5 Ways to Save this Holiday Shopping Season

5 Ways to Save this Holiday Shopping Season

The holidays are such a joyous time of year, full of cheerful celebrations, gift-giving opportunities, and STRESS. Between trying to keep your social calendar under control and your budget in check, the season can sometimes send us into a tizzy.

Fortunately, we have a few suggestions for saving some cash (and your sanity!) this holiday shopping season:

  1. Look for sets or bundles. There are often savings to be found when products are bundled together. The easiest way to save is to look for items that come with a bundle without a deep discount can help save time and stress when you can split it into multiple gifts.
  2. Find part-time work with a discount. A lot of people pick up part-time jobs to help supplement their income around the holidays. Look for a part-time position that comes not only with good pay, but also with a discount on items that could make great gifts. Even better, one that lets you set your own hours and earn unlimited income along with providing that product discount!
  3. Agree to spending limits. Whether it’s a gift swap with your spouse, your best friends, or co-workers, try to agree on spending limits. This will keep you within your budget and ensure that no one feels slighted when they spend more than others or embarrassed when they spend less.
  4. Celebrate at home. Sometimes the best gift of all is a home-cooked meal surrounded by family and friends. No need for reservations or paying restaurant prices.
  5. Say no, thank you. If the thought of one more night out, one more outfit to buy, one more present to give is getting to you, just say no. It’s okay to keep free nights on your calendar for a little me-time, to wear last year’s holiday top, or to go to the party but bow out of the gift swap.

For more safe, non toxic gift-giving and money-making ideas to help you save this holiday season, contact your pure haven Consultant.