Using Photographs to Destress

Stress doesn’t wait to show up until you have a lot of free time.

But everyone should have a few minutes to spare when it comes to relieving stress.

Our suggestion is to do it by looking at old photos from happy times-gone-by. 

Whether it’s your family beach vacation, the first day you brought your new puppy home, or a favorite birthday celebration, these distractions take us away to a happy place and release tension.  The other feeling this idea invokes is gratitude.

Reliving joy-filled times can remind us that we are blessed and are grateful to be alive.

One last thought.  Massage your ears while you are looking at the photos.  Rubbing them gently eases tension throughout the body.  Focus specifically on the crease between the back of your ears and your skull, especially if you wear glasses or spend a lot of time in front of a computer screen.

Practicing small ways to relax can make a big difference in your health.