top 10 tips for managing scalp issues

Scalp health has become a hot topic in personal care. Your scalp is the skin under the hair on your head. It’s basically the foundation for hair growth, so it makes sense that a healthy scalp will lead to healthy hair. An unhealthy scalp can result in flaking, itching, and even hair loss.

Did you know?

  • Your scalp contains about 100,000 follicles, each with a single hair that grows.
  • Follicles are responsible for producing the sebum (oil) that keeps your scalp moisturized and protects skin from infection.
  • Each follicle has its own microbiome and disrupting that microbiome can lead to a variety of scalp conditions.
  • Dandruff, seborrheic dermatitis, and eczema are linked to rough hair, hair breakage, and reduced shine.
  • Bumps, scabs, and redness on the scalp are signs of inflammation.

Scalp issues are abundant, but the ways to manage them are just as plentiful. Here are our top 10 tips:

  1. Avoid toxins in hair care products, including:
    1. sulfates, which strip away the natural oils in hair and remove dead skin cells, which makes the scalp dry and prone to irritation
    1. alcohol and fragrance, which can such the moisture out of hair and scalp, leaving hair feeling frizzy, dry, and damaged, and your scalp inflamed, dry, itchy, and irritated
    1. dyes, bleach, and other harsh chemicals, which can damage the hair shaft and your scalp
  2. Wash with a gentle shampoo and conditioner.
  3. Massage scalp while washing, and brush hair regularly to help increase circulation to hair follicles, promoting hair growth.
  4. You may want to wash less often depending on your hair type. Washing too often can strip away natural oils, which can cause your scalp to produce more oils in order to keep it hydrated, resulting in oily-looking hair.
  5. Use a detox shampoo weekly to deep clean your scalp and remove buildup and residue.
  6. Use heat styling tools in moderation, as they can deplete hair of moisture and lead to itchiness, redness, and irritation. When you do use heat styling tools, it’s important to apply a heat protectant.
  7. Use a nourishing scalp treatment to help condition, detoxify, and aid in scalp health.
  8. Apply sunscreen to exposed scalp, like your part, to avoid sun damage that can lead to irritation.
  9. Eat a balanced diet with a variety of produce to get a wide variety of antioxidants and nutrients found in nature.
  10. Drink plenty of water to keep your entire body hydrated.

For a complete line of non toxic hair care products made with only the safest, most effective ingredients, shop Pure Haven. Ask your Consultant about their favorites and how to incorporate them into your hair care routine.


Rigby, B. (15 Feb 2024). Head scratcher: scalp care is booming, but will it make a hair of difference? The Guardian.

Risher, B. (16 Dec 2020). 7 Healthy Scalp Tips for Strong, Shiny Hair. Healthline.