why top talent is fleeing the corporate nest and flocking to entrepreneurship

Tired of working for “the man”? You’re not the only one!

The corporate landscape in recent years has been paved with bumpy roads full of twists and turns that include swaths of layoffs and pay freezes, making traditional careers much less desirable than ever before. People climbing the corporate ladder are starting to question its importance and whether all they sacrifice to move up a rung or two is worth it.

An article in Forbes magazine reports that women, in particular, are looking for more than what corporate careers can offer:

“Women are leaving their corporate jobs at faster rates than ever before. A combination of workplace flexibility, unequal pay, microaggressions and lack of leadership transparency have led women, especially women of color, to lean into entrepreneurship.”

These women are betting on their own experience and expertise, testing the waters as entrepreneurs.

Ready to bet on yourself?

Look for entrepreneurial opportunities that allow you to:

  • Capitalize on your expertise so you can start right away with skills you already have.
  • Save money (no huge start-up investment).
  • Do what you love and love what you do.

Great news: Becoming a Pure Haven Consultant incorporates all of the above — and more!

Join our community of like-minded entrepreneurs who only want to help better themselves and their loved ones, and in doing so, better the world. Being a Consultant starts with a love of non toxic products that you share with friends, requires little to no monetary investment, and comes with heaps of rewards and bonuses for a job well done! Plus, although you get all the support of a corporation, you are an independent Consultant — you are your own boss, you set your own schedule, and you have the power to increase your earnings at any time.

Ask your Consultant about their favorite parts of their Pure Haven business and how easy it is to get started, then enroll online today!


Chan, G. (5 Jan 2024.) Goodbye Corporate: The Rise Of The Independent Worker (forbes.com)

Rober, Y. (April 1, 2024). How To Transition From Corporate America To Entrepreneurship (forbes.com)