the latest on endocrine disruptors: what a new study reveals and the critical problems still to be solved

The notorious “f” word has been in the news again recently. A new study was published showing that certain environmental toxins may be responsible for early puberty in children. One of these is a common ingredient in fragrance.

Musk ambrette is a synthetic form of musk used to scent a wide variety of personal care and cleaning products. Studies show that this sneaky chemical can cross the blood-brain barrier and may be able to attach to a receptor in the brain associated with puberty. Because it’s inhaled in fragrance, musk ambrette goes straight into mucous membranes in the nose, which makes it easy to reach the brain. Additionally, musk ambrette compounds can bioaccumulate in human tissues and have been detected in maternal blood, umbilical cord blood, and breast milk, so children may be exposed as soon as their lives begin.

Early puberty has been associated with an increased risk of breast, endometrial, and testicular cancers, diabetes, heart disease, and obesity, as well as psychological issues.

But here are the real problems:

1. There’s no ban against using this chemical in the United States.

Musk ambrette is banned for use in cosmetics in the European Union and restricted in Canada. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the United States has simply removed musk ambrette from its “generally recognized as safe” list. Some experts are saying it’s premature to ban or restrict it and too early to suggest taking action to limit children’s exposure to it. We say it’s high time our government takes action to not just limit but prevent exposure to musk ambrette and other endocrine disrupting chemicals that threaten our lives and our loved ones!

2. There’s no way to know if your products contain this chemical.

Good luck finding musk ambrette and its compounds on a product label. Not only are these chemicals not banned from use in products sold in the United States, it’s also likely hidden behind the term “fragrance.” Manufacturers are legally able to list musk ambrette and other toxic chemicals on their ingredient labels as synthetic or natural fragrance or flavoring. That’s why, no matter what other ingredients are included on a product label, if it includes fragrance (or perfume or parfum), we suggest putting that product right back on the store shelf.

Unfortunately, at this time, the only semi-solution to these problems is for each of us to adopt a toxin-free lifestyle. Beware of ingredients to avoid and shop with only trusted manufacturers of non toxic products.

You can rest assured that all Pure Haven products are 100% toxin free. Any scent is the result of natural ingredients like essential oils and plant extracts. You and your entire family can shop for and enjoy our personal care and home cleaning products without worry.

Read more about our pure standards here and shop non toxic any time from your Pure Haven Consultant’s online store.


Hohman, M. 11 Sept 2024. What Products Contain Musk Ambrette? Possible Link to Early Puberty, New Study Finds (

Willmoth, H. 12 Sept 2024. Girls May Start Puberty Early Due To Toxic Chemicals – Newsweek.