break the cycle: how to model non tox choices for the next generation

We often hear about how projecting body image and diet culture onto children can be damaging. Parents who encourage weight loss or express dissatisfaction with their own body weight can lead to children having body image and eating-related issues.

The same has been said about a generation of parents who are obsessed with anti-aging skin care and resort to toxic treatments to avoid wrinkles and other signs of aging. Your kids are watching. And this obsession, along with a hefty dose of social media influence, has led to a generation of “Sephora kids” who are far too young to be flooding toxic beauty product aisles and following multi-step skin care routines with harmful products that may damage not only their skin, but their overall health.

So, how can we break the cycle?

A new culture of body positivity has already emerged. People have begun identifying toxic, manipulative messages about body image and weight and dismissing them. Cheers to those who openly celebrate and appreciate their bodies!

Now, how about modeling how to make non toxic product choices to keep our kids and young adults from barraging their beautiful bodies with harmful chemicals? Let’s teach them to identify the manipulative marketing language that greenwashes product packaging and advertising and hides the truth from consumers. Let’s teach them where to find safe, effective products to care for their bodies, their homes, and their loved ones.

Here’s how:

When you follow the steps above, you become a role model for the next generation and even your peers and elders. After all, we learn at all stages of life, and we are each constantly evolving into the next version of ourselves. Let’s make that version non toxic. Let’s keep our family and friends safe from the ravages of toxic products. Let’s teach the next generation right from wrong when it comes to product choices so they can live healthier, longer lives.

Ask your Pure Haven Consultant about our wide array of safe, effective non toxic products for your home. From skin care to hair care, body washes, toothpastes, and lotions, baby and kids items, home cleaning products, and more, we’ve got you covered.

Together we can break the cycle.