are your cleaning products polluting your home?

In a recent study of everyday products, results showed that even “green” cleaning products emit chemicals called VOCs (volatile organic compounds) that can have short-term and long-term negative impacts on your health.

Researchers involved in the study separated the 30 cleaning products tested into three categories: conventional products, “green” products containing fragrance (hint: as soon as a fragrance shows up on the ingredient list, you know it’s probably toxic), and fragrance-free “green” products. In those 30 products, 530 unique VOCs were detected. Of those, 193 VOCs are considered hazardous to your health based on California’s Department of Toxic Substances Control Candidate Chemicals List or European Chemical Agency’s Classification and Labeling Inventory.

The study found that fragrance-free “green” products emitted four chemicals classified as hazardous, on average, compared to 15 in green products with fragrance and 22 in conventional products.

How does this happen when a cleaning product is “green”?

It happens because “green” is a marketing term, not a scientific one. In this study, “green” was classified as being “advertised as healthier, non-toxic, or free from harmful chemicals as well as products with a third-party certification for safety or environmental features.” Many manufacturers use greenwashing tactics (using misleading or deceptive publicity to present an environmentally responsible public image) to sell their products, no matter how untruthful their claims may be. Those misleading terms include “green,” “natural,” and “organic.”

What can you do?

Although “green” cleaning products still emitted VOCs, they were found to emit far less than conventional counterparts. By selecting “green” and especially fragrance-free “green” products, you’ll be significantly reducing your exposure to harmful chemicals in your home, and every bit helps. Additionally, ensure that the area you’re working in is well ventilated.

Ask your Pure Haven Consultant about Pure Haven’s non toxic home products. Like all our products, the products in our home collection are made with only the purest, safest, most effective ingredients. Our entire product line is fragrance free, scented with only natural ingredients, like essential oils and extracts. No toxins. No compromises.


Moniuszko, S. 13 September 2023. Cleaning products, even “green” ones, emit chemicals that may impact health, study finds – CBS News.