the importance of collagen and elastin in skin firmness and 6 ways to support them naturally

Collagen and elastin are proteins produced by the human body. Collagen helps fibroblasts form in the dermis layer of your skin. Fibroblasts play a role in replacing dead skin cells and producing elastin. Collagen provides structure, support and strength to skin and other tissues while elastin provides resiliency and elasticity, helping skin and other tissues in our body to expand and recoil. Together, these proteins help make skin both firm and stretchy.

However, over time our bodies create less collagen and elastin and at a lower quality than when we’re young, and existing collagen breaks down at a faster rate. Signs that collagen and elastin in our skin are decreasing include wrinkled, crepey, and sagging skin.

It’s important to support the production and quality of collagen and elastin in our skin to delay those signs of aging. You can do so by following these six healthy habits into your daily routine:

  1. Protect your skin from the sun by wearing sunscreen with a minimum 30 SPF, wide-brimmed hats, long-sleeved tops and long pants, and large sunglasses with UV protection, as long-term sun exposure causes collagen to break down and elastin to degrade.
  2. Use products containing antioxidants such as vitamin E and CoQ10 to help protect skin from free radicals (evil forces in the environment) and block elastase (an enzyme that breaks down elastin).
  3. Be sure to drink plenty of water and moisturize your skin to help it repair itself. Dehydration leads to oxidative stress, which generates free radicals that can result in signs of premature aging.
  4. Don’t smoke. Nicotine and other chemicals in cigarettes and electronic cigarettes destroy collagen and elastin and decrease estrogen levels, aging your skin faster.
  5. Maintain a nutritious diet rich in fatty fish like salmon, dark green vegetables, almonds, walnuts, and green tea, and low in sugar. Deficiencies in Vitamin C and zinc may inhibit your skin’s ability to repair itself and excess sugar in your bloodstream forms harmful molecules that weaken collagen and elastin.
  6. Avoid harsh ingredients in skin care products that can negatively affect your appearance and your health. Stick to a regular skin care routine using products made with only safe, effective ingredients. Supplement with a firming product specifically made with collagen- and elastin-friendly ingredients like Mexican arnica flower, melatonin, pomegranate fruit extract, astragalus membranaceus root extract, and ubiquinone. Check product labels against this list of ingredients to avoid.

Pure Haven overnight firming cream is made with safe, effective ingredients above to help restore and rejuvenate your skin while you rest. Our luxurious combination of active ingredients hydrate and firm skin so you awake each morning with a vibrant, more youthful complexion. Ask your Pure Haven Consultant about overnight firming cream and the rest of our non toxic skin care collection. They can help you create a routine that brings out the best in your skin.


Collagen: What It Is, Types, Function & Benefits (

Elastin: What it is, Structure, Function & Supplements (