top 9 non tox necessities for safely spending the day in the sun

Heading to the beach, lake, or pool? Love a good summertime hike? Simply out and about around town? Make sure you have these non tox non-negotiables on hand:

  1. Sunscreen: Because … the sun. Pure Haven sunscreen is 100% safe for you, your family, and our oceans. Whether you prefer your sunscreen in lotion or stick form, we’ve got you covered, including specially formulated face sunscreen lotion.
  2. Lip balm: The salt and sun can dry skin out, especially the delicate skin on your mouth. Keep lips moisturized and protected from the sun’s harmful rays with our mineral lip balm.
  3. Bug off spray: Pesky summer insects turn up everywhere! Be prepared to protect your summer days (and nights!) with DEET-free bug off spray.
  4. Surface cleaner: Perfect for wiping down beach chairs, picnic tables, coolers, toys — you name it!
  5. Boo boo stick: You never know when a scrape will happen.
  6. Deodorant or mom balm: Apply to areas known to chafe.
  7. Dry shampoo: Once you get off the sand, sprinkle dry shampoo on feet to help brush off stuck-on sand before putting on shoes.
  8. Refresh toner with pre+probiotics: Keep a bottle of toner in your cooler to spray on face and neck to cool down and refresh skin.
  9. After sun spray: When you over-do your time in the sun, soothe sunburned skin with gentle after sun spray.

Contact your Pure Haven Consultant today to order all your non toxic necessities for your day in the sun.