Ever feel like you could wipe down, mop, scrub, and scour your home from top to bottom, again and again, and it would never feel truly clean? Sticky residues and…
make a fresh start this spring with these 7 natural cleaning ingredients
It’s that time of year. The weather is looking up and we suddenly feel the need to clean all the things. But are you really cleaning all the things if…
what is pinkwashing and why is it so important?
We’ve talked before about greenwashing — when a company makes “green,” “all natural,” and “organic” claims despite being anything but. Pinkwashing is similar. It’s when a company slaps a pink…
sweating the small stuff: the toxic truth about deodorants
Worried about the potential risks associated with the ingredients in your deodorant? You would think that if a product is sold in a store, it’s passed some kind of safety…
decoding dental care products: how to pick the right toothpaste for your family
Feeling skeptical about whether any of the many toothpastes in the dental hygiene aisle at your local stores are as safe as they claim to be? We don’t blame you.…
the ABCs of clear skin: your back-to-school guide
Which came first, stress or the pimple? It’s a vicious cycle experienced by teens (and probably teachers and parents!) throughout the school year but especially during the first few months…
handling toxic back-to-school concerns: a grownups’ guide
Back-to-school time is not just about the kiddos. It’s also about the kiddos’ grownups, like you, who worry about their littles (even the littles who are in high school and…
taking charge of your health: making informed, non toxic choices for cancer prevention and care
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website, cancer is the second leading cause of death in the United States and one in every five deaths in the…
why the american dental association seal is a red flag for toothpaste
You might think toothpaste ingredients are no big deal for your long-term health since you spit toothpaste out after brushing. But chemicals are quickly absorbed by the lining of your…
10 toxins to steer clear of this baby shower season
August is the most popular birth month in the United States, so ‘tis the season for baby showers! If you have a baby shower on your calendar this summer, be…