surviving summer stress

Summertime has a reputation for being stress free. But the season isn’t all fun and games for everyone. For some, summertime means shuttling kids to playdates and summer camps, planning outings, and handling the family vacation.

When you need a little summer stress relief, try one or all of these five stress-busting techniques:

  1. Take some quiet time for yourself. Pause notifications on your phone, whether for phone calls or social media activity, so you can read, meditate, or take a cat nap in peace.
  2. Get some exercise, whether it’s a daily stroll around the neighborhood or an hour at the gym. Use comfort oil to help ease any achy muscles that result from your routine.
  3. Practice deep breathing. Regular practice can help trigger your body’s relaxation response, improve your mood, and release tension and stress. Diffuse sweet orange essential oil and bask in its calming properties.
  4. Pick up a side hustle. Having something of your own, outside of your home and family, can help create a sense of wellbeing. Just be sure to choose an opportunity that brings you joy and allows you to work around what matters most.
  5. Stick to a regular sleep schedule. If needed, set an alarm to remind yourself when to begin your bedtime routine. Try diffusing calming essential oils or massaging sleepy body oil into your skin to help you relax.

Ask your Pure Haven Consultant about their favorite summertime stress busters and the non toxic products that enhance their relaxation.