How Changing Your Lifestyle Could Help You Save on Healthcare

How Changing Your Lifestyle Could Help You Save on Healthcare

It’s no surprise that risky behavior affects our health, leading to obesity, clogged arteries, and more, so we exercise, we watch what we eat, and we don’t smoke. We avoid junk food, soda, liquor, and drugs that compromise our health and well-being.

But what about the products we put directly onto our bodies and use throughout our homes? Many of those products contain harmful toxins that are affecting our health in equally devastating ways, and you may not even know it.

Harmful toxins that certain manufacturers use in their products, including fragrance, parabens, and triclosan, have been linked to chronic diseases like breast cancer, diabetes, obesity, asthma, and eczema. Avoiding these toxins can help prevent these chronic diseases, and eliminate the expense of healthcare that comes with treating them.

As stated in an article in The Daily Sentinel, human behavior is the most modifiable component of healthcare costs. It makes sense then that the best way to make an impact on healthcare costs is for each of us to take control of our health, and make changes that support a healthier lifestyle.

In addition to reading food labels, we must pay attention to ingredient labels on home and body products like laundry detergent, surface cleaners, hand and body lotions and soaps, shampoos and conditioners, and more. Check the labels on your own products, as well as on baby, kids, men’s and pet products. None of your family members are safe from manufacturers’ harmful practices.

And don’t be fooled by products that are labeled as “natural” or “organic,” or products that are displayed in the “wellness” section of your local stores. Those labels are not reliable. Instead, become more knowledgeable about ingredients to avoid and get out the magnifying glass when needed so that you can read those product labels, and make informed decisions about what you’re willing to expose yourself and your family to.

Your lifestyle is the key to better health, whether it takes the form of diet and exercise or becoming an ingredient detective. Don’t wait for disease to come into your life before you make the switch. Choose guaranteed clean products for yourself and your family. You deserve it.

Ask your pure haven Consultant about our safe, effective products today.



Pramenko, Michael J. (13 Jan 2019). Behavior is the most modifiable component of health costs. The Daily Sentinel.

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